By Alexander W Chao,Weiren Chou
Over the earlier a number of a long time significant advances in accelerators have resulted from breakthroughs in accelerator technological know-how and accelerator know-how. After the advent of a brand new accelerator physics inspiration or the implementation of a brand new know-how, a jump in accelerator functionality undefined. a well known illustration of those advances is the Livingston chart, which indicates an exponential progress of accelerator functionality during the last seven or 8 many years. one of many step forward accelerator applied sciences that help this exponential progress is superconducting expertise. spotting this significant technological enhance, we commit quantity five of Reviews of Accelerator technology and Technology (RAST) to superconducting expertise and its applications.
Two significant purposes are superconducting magnets (SC magnets) and superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities. SC magnets offer a lot greater magnetic box than their room-temperature opposite numbers, hence permitting accelerators to arrive better energies with related dimension in addition to a lot decreased strength intake. SRF know-how permits box strength garage for non-stop wave functions and effort restoration, as well as the benefit of large energy discount rates and higher particle beam caliber. during this quantity, we describe either applied sciences and their purposes. We additionally comprise dialogue of the linked R&D in superconducting fabrics and the longer term clients for those technologies.
- Overview of Superconductivity and demanding situations in purposes (Rene Flükiger)
- Superconducting fabrics and Conductors: Fabrication and proscribing Parameters (Luca Bottura and Arno Godeke)
- Superconducting Magnets for Particle Accelerators (Lucio Rossi and Luca Bottura)
- Superconducting Magnets for Particle Detectors and Fusion units (Akira Yamamoto and Thomas Taylor)
- Superconducting Radio-Frequency basics for Particle Accelerators (Alex Gurevich)
- Superconducting Radio-Frequency platforms for High-β Particle Accelerators (Sergey Belomestnykh)
- Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavities for Low-Beta Particle Accelerators (Michael Kelly)
- Cryogenic know-how for Superconducting Accelerators (Kenji Hosoyama)
- Superconductivity in medication (Jose R Alonso and Timothy A Antaya)
- Industrialization of Superconducting RF Accelerator expertise (Michael Peiniger, Michael Pekeler and Hanspeter Vogel)
- Superconducting Radio-Frequency expertise R&D for destiny Accelerator functions (Charles E Reece and Gianluigi Ciovati)
- Educating and coaching Accelerator Scientists and Technologists for the next day to come (William Barletta, Swapan Chattopadhyay and Andrei Seryi)
- Pursuit of Accelerator initiatives at KEK in Japan (Yoshitaka Kimura and Nobukazu Toge)
Readership: Physicists and engineers in accelerator technology and industry.
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