By Mgr.Adam Smetana
With this thesis the writer contributes to the improvement of a non-mainstream yet long-standing method of electroweak symmetry breaking in keeping with an analogy with superconductivity. Electroweak symmetry breaking is thought to be as a result of dynamically generated lots of common fermions, i.e., of quarks and leptons, which in flip assumes a brand new dynamics among quarks and leptons. basically it's designed to generate fermion plenty and electroweak symmetry breaking is an automated consequence.
After the precis of the subject, the 1st major a part of the thesis addresses the query as to if the hundreds of identified quarks and leptons offer sufficiently powerful assets of electroweak symmetry breaking. it really is proven that neutrino plenty topic to the seesaw mechanism are vital elements. the opposite components of the thesis are devoted to the presentation of 2 specific versions: the 1st version relies at the new powerful Yukawa dynamics and serves as a platform for learning the facility to breed fermion plenty. the second one, extra reasonable version introduces a taste gauge dynamics and its phenomenological effects are studied.
Even although, some time past, this sort of types has already been of a few curiosity, following the invention of the Standard-Model-like Higgs particle, it's regaining its relevance.
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