The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon (Springer Tracts by Friedrich Jegerlehner

By Friedrich Jegerlehner

This learn monograph covers largely the idea of the muon anomalous magnetic second and gives estimates of the theoretical uncertainties. The muon anomalous magnetic second is among the so much accurately measured amounts in uncomplicated particle physics and offers essentially the most stringent assessments of relativistic quantum box idea as a basic theoretical framework. It permits a very certain money of the traditional version of straightforward debris and of its barriers. This ebook reports the current kingdom of data of the anomalous magnetic second a=(g-2)/2 of the muon. fresh experiments on the Brookhaven nationwide Laboratory now achieve the unimaginable precision of half components according to million, bettering the accuracy of earlier g-2 experiments at CERN by way of an element of 14. additionally, quantum electrodynamics and electroweak and hadronic results are reviewed. for the reason that non-perturbative hadronic results play a key function for the precision try, their evaluate is defined intimately. views for destiny advancements of the theoretical and experimental precision are thought of. the hot version beneficial properties superior theoretical predictions to compare upcoming experiments, just like the one at Fermilab. also the hot extra distinct simple parameters are presented.

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