By Éric Gourgoulhon
Special relativity is the foundation of many fields in glossy physics: particle physics, quantum box concept, high-energy astrophysics, and so forth. This concept is gifted the following by means of adopting a 4-dimensional viewpoint from the beginning. a great characteristic of the booklet is that it doesn’t limit itself to inertial frames yet considers speeded up and rotating observers. it really is hence attainable to regard actual results akin to the Thomas precession or the Sagnac influence in an easy but exact demeanour. within the ultimate chapters, extra complex subject matters like tensorial fields in spacetime, external calculus and relativistic hydrodynamics are addressed. within the final, short bankruptcy the writer offers a preview of gravity and exhibits the place it turns into incompatible with Minkowsky spacetime.
Well illustrated and enriched by way of many ancient notes, this e-book additionally provides many purposes of distinct relativity, starting from particle physics (accelerators, particle collisions, quark-gluon plasma) to astrophysics (relativistic jets, energetic galactic nuclei), and together with useful purposes (Sagnac gyrometers, synchrotron radiation, GPS). additionally, the ebook offers a few mathematical advancements, akin to the precise research of the Lorentz staff and its Lie algebra.
The e-book is acceptable for college students within the 3rd 12 months of a physics measure or on a masters path, in addition to researchers and any reader attracted to relativity.
Thanks to the geometric method followed, this booklet also needs to be necessary for the research of normal relativity.
“A sleek presentation of precise relativity needs to recommend its crucial constructions, ahead of illustrating them utilizing concrete purposes to express dynamical difficulties. Such is the problem (so effectively met!) of the attractive publication through Éric Gourgoulhon.” (excerpt from the Foreword by way of Thibault Damour)
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