By Roderick M. Kramer,Geoffrey J. Leonardelli,Robert W. Livingston
Perhaps the defining function of humanity is the social -- how we predict approximately others, determine ourselves with others, and engage with teams of others. The advances of evolutionary concept, social cognition, social identification, and intergroup family members, respectively, as significant fields of inquiry were one of the crowning theoretical advancements in social psychology during the last 3 a long time. Marilynn Brewer has been a number one highbrow determine within the development of every of them. Her idea and learn have had foreign impression at the means we predict concerning the self and its relation to others. This festschrift celebrates Marilynn’s quite a few contributions to social psychology, and comprises unique contributions from either prime and emerging social psychologists from round the world.
The volume will be of curiosity to social psychologists, industrial/organizational psychologists, scientific psychologists, and sociologists.
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