By Evgeny Barkhudarov
This thesis has elements, each one in response to an program of the renormalization-group (RG). the 1st half is an research of the d-dimensional Coulomb gasoline. The target used to be to figure out if the Wilson RG may provide enter into particle-in-cell simulations in plasma physics, that are the most kin of simulation equipment utilized in this box. The position of the RG was once to spot the impact of coarse-graining at the coupling constants as a functionality of the cut-offs. The RG calculation reproduced verified effects, yet in a extra concise shape, and confirmed the influence of the cut-offs at the Debye screening length.
The major a part of the thesis is the appliance of the dynamic RG to turbulence in magnetohydrodynamics. After transformation to Elsasser variables, that's a symmetrisation of the unique equations, the answer is gifted as a useful quintessential, along with stirring forces, their conjugates and sensible Jacobian. The coarse-graining of the practical imperative is represented as a diagrammatic growth, by way of rescaling, and casting the consequences into differential equations for the research of RG trajectories. designated comparisons are made with the Navier-Stokes restrict and with past calculations for MHD.
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