By Claude Leroy,Pier-Giorgio Rancoita
The fourth version of this publication has been extensively revised. It contains extra chapters and a few sections are complemented with both new ones or an extension in their content.
In this most recent variation a whole therapy of the physics and houses of semiconductors is gifted, protecting shipping phenomena in semiconductors, scattering mechanisms, radiation results and displacement damages. additionally, this variation offers a accomplished therapy of the Coulomb scattering on screened nuclear potentials caused by electrons, protons, gentle- and heavy-ions — starting from (very) low as much as ultra-relativistic kinetic energies — and permitting one to derive the corresponding NIEL (non-ionizing energy-loss) doses deposited in any material.
The contents are prepared into elements: Chapters 1 to 7 hide Particle Interactions and Displacement harm whereas the rest chapters concentrate on Radiation Environments and Particle Detection.
This publication can function reference for graduate scholars and final-year undergraduates and in addition as complement for classes in particle, astroparticle, house physics and instrumentation. a bit of the e-book is directed towards classes in clinical physics. Researchers in experimental particle physics at low, medium, and excessive strength who're facing instrumentation also will locate the ebook useful.
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