By Jasjeet Singh Bagla,Sunu Engineer
This publication provides a compilation of in-depth articles and reports on key subject matters inside of gravitation, cosmology and comparable matters. it's a celebratory quantity devoted to Prof. Thanu Padmanabhan ("Paddy"), the well known relativist and cosmologist from IUCAA, India, at the social gathering of his sixtieth birthday. The authors, a lot of them leaders in their fields, are all colleagues, collaborators and previous scholars of Paddy, who've labored with him over a study occupation spanning greater than 4 a long time. Paddy is a scientist of numerous pursuits, who attaches nice significance to educating. With this in brain, the purpose of this compilation is to supply an available pedagogic creation to, and review of, a number of very important issues in cosmology, gravitation and astrophysics. As such will probably be a useful source for scientists, graduate scholars and likewise complicated undergraduates looking to increase their horizons.
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