By Kerson Huang
Gauge fields are the messengers wearing indications among uncomplicated debris, allowing them to have interaction with one another. Originating on the point of quarks, those uncomplicated interactions percolate upwards, via nuclear and atomic physics, via chemical and sturdy nation physics, to make our daily global pass around. This publication tells the tale of gauge fields, from Maxwell's 1860 idea of electromagnetism to the 1954 thought of Yang and generators that underlies the traditional version of straight forward particle conception. during the narration, the writer introduces humans and occasions in experimental and theoretical physics that give a contribution to rules that experience formed our notion of the actual world.
- What Makes the area Tick?
- Electromagnetism
- The Vacuum is the Medium
- Let There Be Light
- Heroic Age: The fight for Quantum Theory
- Quantum Reality
- What is Charge?
- The Zen of Rotation
- Yang-Mills box: Non-Commuting Charges
- Photons genuine and Virtual
- Creation and Annihilation
- The Dynamical Vacuum
- Elementary Particles
- The Fall of Parity
- The Particle Explosion
- Quarks
- All Interactions are Local
- Broken Symmetry
- Quark Confinement
- Hanging Threads of Silk
- The global in a Grain of Sand
- In the distance of All attainable Theories
Readership: scholars of physics and normal readers.
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