By Jeremy Bernstein
This publication of essays in 4 elements, used to be written over a decade and whole of surprises for the breadth and diversity of its subject material. the 1st half is ready the principles of the quantum concept which displays the author's many conversations with the overdue John Bell who persuaded him that there's nonetheless no passable interpretation of the idea. the second one half bargains with nuclear guns. one of many essays issues the construction of the trendy fuel centrifuge which used to be performed via German prisoners of conflict within the Soviet Union. The proliferation of those centrifuges was once one of many matters within the unfold of nuclear guns. The 3rd part bargains with monetary engineering with a profile of Louis Bachelier, the French mathematician who created it at the start of the twentieth century. the ultimate part offers with the Higgs boson and the way it's used for producing mass. It encompasses a particular article of the way this mechanism works.
- Quantum Theory:
- A refrain of Bells
- A Quantum Past
- A Double Slit
- Dirac, a few Strangeness within the Proportion
- Another Dirac
- More approximately Bohm's Quantum
- Max Born and the Quantum Theory
- The Quantum dimension Problem
- Nuclear Weapons:
- Oppenheinmer
- Unintended Consequences
- An not likely Collaboration
- A Nuclear Supermarket
- Who's Next?
- A Memorandum that modified the World
- Mathematics and Finance:
- Bachelier
- A Primer of items you want to understand to stick to the monetary News
- The Higgs Boson:
- A query of Mass
- An higher Bound
- A Higgs Memorandum
Readership: The reader with an curiosity in quantum mechanics, and biographies of John Bell, Paul Dirac in addition to Louis Batchelier, who created the sphere of monetary engineering.
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