Methodische Probleme von Mixed-Mode-Ansätzen in der by Stefanie Eifler,Frank Faulbaum
By Stefanie Eifler,Frank Faulbaum
Städtische Bewerbungen um internationale Sportevents: by Marcus Franke
By Marcus Franke
Einführung in die qualitative Videoanalyse: Eine by Jo Reichertz,Carina Englert
By Jo Reichertz,Carina Englert
The Beginnings of Political Economy: Johann Heinrich Gottlob by Jürgen Backhaus
By Jürgen Backhaus
Habitus und Politik in Kärnten: Soziogenetische und by Christian Dorner-Hörig
By Christian Dorner-Hörig
Understanding Social Research: Thinking Creatively about by Jennifer Mason,Angela Dale
By Jennifer Mason,Angela Dale
Social Researching brings jointly a wide selection of analysis equipment - either qualitative and quantitative - to assist scholars and researchers to think about the relative merits of adopting varied methods for his or her personal learn paintings.
The authors sincerely determine the main applicable equipment for various examine questions and likewise spotlight parts the place it'd be fruitful to go with various equipment with one another or make the most inventive tensions among them. The booklet is consequently a hugely functional advisor which additionally seeks to attract readers outdoors their methodological convenience zones.
This booklet includes:
- serious insurance of concerns in study design;
- specialist adventure in lots of methodological fields;
- an outline of the numerous other ways to technique related learn problems;
- insurance of the tensions among assorted methodological approaches;
- Examples of excellence in examine layout and practice;
- An exam of the way to show methodological tensions into richer learn practice.
The equipment coated comprise hugely leading edge, 'cutting-edge' techniques and they're established by way of their transferability among different social sciences. This inter-disciplinary strategy is complimented through quite a lot of strategically selected examples which show the authors' pragmatic and inventive tackle learn design.
Der Fragebogen: Datenbasis, Konstruktion und Auswertung by Sabine Kirchhoff,Sonja Kuhnt,Peter Lipp,Siegfried Schlawin
By Sabine Kirchhoff,Sonja Kuhnt,Peter Lipp,Siegfried Schlawin
La paura degli esami: Appunti per una prestazione vincente by Massimo Ricciardi
By Massimo Ricciardi
MASSIMO RICCIARDI, Colonnello della riserva della Guardia di Finanza, è Giornalista Pubblicista, Revisore Legale e laureato con lode in Giurisprudenza, in Economia e Commercio e in Scienze della Sicurezza Economico Finanziaria. Ha conseguito titoli equivalenti ai grasp di Diritto Tributario dell’Impresa e di Pianificazione Tributaria Internazionale; di Studi Internazionali Strategico-Militari; di Politica ed Economia in step with l. a. Difesa e l. a. Sicurezza; di Sistemi, metodi e strumenti in line with defense e drawback administration (Homeland Security). Ha collaborato alla realizzazione di progetti di formazione e specializzazione con Università ed Istituzioni pubbliche e inner most. Docente e membro di commissioni di esame, ha tenuto in Italia numerose conferenze e lezioni su tematiche organizzative, giuridiche, professionali e di administration. Autore di molteplici pubblicazioni, ha maturato significative esperienze di lavoro in ambito nazionale ed internazionale, civile e militare. l. a. sua attuale prevalente attività è di consulenza a professionisti ed imprese in materia di affari legali, sicurezza, organizzazione e gestione risorse umane.
Indikatoren, die die Leistungsfähigkeit von Mitarbeitenden by Eva Scheller-Bötschi
By Eva Scheller-Bötschi
Diese Belastung hat nicht selten psychische oder körperliche Folgen wie Depressionen und Krankheiten. Probleme am Arbeitsplatz wie Burnout, Mobbing und Kommunikationsschwierigkeiten gab es zwar schon lange, doch werden sie heutzutage mehr denn je thematisiert. Auch über die immer höher werdenden Kosten dieser Phänomene wird viel gesprochen. Daher ist es der Wunsch vieler Betriebe, die Arbeitsplatzqualität zu steigern. Dazu stehen verschiedene Massnahmen zur Verfügung.
Ich habe an der Universität Basel Soziologie, Volkswirtschaft und Medienwissenschaft studiert und arbeite als Projektleiterin in einem Marktforschungsinstitut.
In dieser Arbeit gehe ich auf Theorie und Praxis einer Mitarbeitendenbefragung ein. Die Studie hat viele Vermutungen bestätigt, aber auch überraschende Neuigkeiten aufgedeckt.
Bei meiner Befragung hat sich gezeigt, dass die grössten Einflüsse auf die Gesamtzufriedenheit am Arbeitsplatz der befragten NGO die berufliche Entwicklung, die Vereinbarkeit des Privatlebens mit der Arbeit, sowie die faire Anerkennung der Leistung haben.
Einen negativen Einfluss auf die Zufriedenheit am Arbeitsplatz haben die Burnout-Faktoren sich müde und energielos zu fühlen, sowie nach der Arbeit nicht intestine abschalten zu können. Der Umgang mit pressure ist additionally sehr wichtig für die Zufriedenheit am Arbeitsplatz. Besonders Mitarbeitende, welche unter Zeitdruck arbeiten, sollten einen Ausgleich haben.
A Theory of Fields by Neil Fligstein,Doug McAdam
By Neil Fligstein,Doug McAdam
In a piece of outstanding synthesis, mind's eye, and research, Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam suggest that social swap and social order may be understood via what they name strategic motion fields. They posit that those fields are the final development blocks of political and monetary lifestyles, civil society, and the nation, and the elemental type of order in our international at the present time. just like Russian dolls, they're nested and attached in a broader surroundings of virtually numerous proximate and overlapping fields. Fields are together based; switch in a single usually triggers switch in one other. on the center of the speculation is an account of ways social actors model and hold order in a given box. This sociological conception of motion, what they name "social skill," is helping clarify what members do in strategic motion fields to achieve cooperation or interact in competition.
To exhibit the breadth of the speculation, Fligstein and McAdam make its summary ideas concrete via prolonged case reviews of the Civil Rights move and the increase and fall of the marketplace for mortgages within the U.S. because the Sixties. The publication additionally offers a "how-to" advisor to aid others enforce the procedure and discusses methodological issues.
With a daring new technique, A conception of Fields offers either a rigorous and virtually appropriate mind set via and making experience of social order and change-and how one emerges from the other-in glossy, complicated societies.