By Cathinka Vik
This publication explores the ethical complexity of statecraft within the context of decision-making on armed intervention within the post-Cold struggle period.
This e-book provides to the controversy on humanitarian intervention via examining the ethical complexity of statecraft whilst faced with events of serious human rights violations. via a comparative case examine of President invoice Clinton administration’s failure to intrude within the Rwanda genocide (1994), the George W. Bush administration’s tepid reaction to the Darfur atrocities (2003-07), and the Barack Obama administration’s management at the back of the constrained U.N. intervention in Libya (2011), it explores the standards – family and foreign – that impression decision-making approximately humanitarian intervention. those situations convey, not just how overseas ethical matters usually compete with interest-based and family issues, yet how decision-makers are usually faced via competing ethical imperatives. In such events, it's always no longer transparent which imperatives will be undefined. In an more and more interconnected international, this booklet examines how we predict country leaders to stability diverse ethical responsibilities.
This booklet may be of a lot curiosity to scholars of humanitarian intervention, the accountability to guard, human rights, US overseas coverage, African politics and IR in general.
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