By Ragnar Hellborg,K. Siegbahn
Electrostatic accelerators are an incredible and common subgroup in the large spectrum of recent, huge particle acceleration units. they're in particular designed for functions that require top quality ion beams by way of power balance and emittance at relatively low energies (a few MeV). Their skill to speed up almost any form of ion over a consistently tunable variety of energies makes them a hugely flexible software for investigations in lots of study fields together with, yet now not constrained to, atomic and nuclear spectroscopy, heavy ion reactions, accelerator mass spectroscopy in addition to ion-beam research and amendment. The booklet is split into 3 components. the 1st half concisely introduces the sector of accelerator know-how and methods that emphasize their significant smooth purposes. the second one half treats the electrostatic accelerator in keeping with se: its development and operational ideas in addition to its upkeep. The 3rd half covers all correct purposes during which electrostatic accelerators are the popular software for accelerator-based investigations. in view that a few issues are universal to all kinds of accelerators, Electrostatic Accelerators can be of worth for these extra acquainted with different sorts of accelerators.
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